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== Можете ли да изработите карти по мой собствен дизайн? ==
== Can you produce cards by my own design? ==
Всяка една поръчка е индивидуална и съобразена с конкретните нужди и изисквания на клиента. Това задължително налага разработване на Вашата идея, както за дизайна на картата, така и за техническото и приложение в дадената система (контрол на достъп, предплатени услуги, клиентски кредити и т.н.). Нашата основна цел е свързана с изработката на картата като носител, а не на цялостната система за приложението й. Натрупания от нас опит ни позволява да Ви бъдем полезни с различни съвети за реализацията на Вашите желания. Ще се радваме да изпълним поръчка на карти по ваша идея и дизайн.
Each order is individual and conformed with the particular needs and requirements of the customer. This compulsory necessitates development of your idea as for the card design as well as for its technical application in the particular system (access control, pre-paid services, customer`s credits etc.) Our main purpose is related to the manufacturing of the card as carrier but not of the whole system for its application. The experience gained by us allows us to be useful for you with different advices for realization of your wishes. We will be pleased to implement the order of cards by your idea and design.  
== Как да подготвя дизайна на своите карти? ==
За Ваше улеснение сме подготвили документ с изискванията за офсетов и термичен печат, който да Ви помогне при подготовката на файловете. Ако там не намерите отговор на всичките си въпроси, не се колебайте да ни потърсите - нашите сътрудници с радост ще Ви помогнат. Можете да ни изпратите графичните си файлове на CD или по електронна поща на адрес office@maxcard.bg.
== How shall I prepare the design of my cards? ==
For your facility we have prepared a document with the requirements for offset and thermal printing which may help you at the preparation of files. If you do not find a reply of all of your questions there do not hesitate to contact us – our assistant will be pleased to help you. You can send us your graphic files on CD or by e-mail at address office@maxcard.bg.
== Извършвате ли експресна услуга? ==
Това зависи от количеството карти които желаете, както и от моментната ни натовареност. В най-добрия случай Вашите карти могат да станат готови в рамките на същия ден.
== Do you perform an express service? ==
This depends on the quantity of cards which you wish as well as of our current loading. In the best case your cards may be ready within the same day.
== Има ли минимално количество за поръчка? ==
При термичния печат - не - тук можете да поръчате и една карта. При офсетовия печат - да - тук минималното количество е 1000 карти. Повече информация относно колиествата и съответните им можете да получите от нашия конфигуратор.
== Is there minimum quantity for order? ==
At the thermal printing – no – here you can order even one card. At the offset printing – yes – here the minimum quantity is 1000 cards. More information regarding quantities and their respective … you can get from our configurator.
== Мога ли да видя мостра за одобрение преди картите ми да бъдат отпечатани за да се уверя че изискванията ми са спазени? ==
Да. Ако Вашата поръчка се изпълнява чрез термичен печат - задължително преди тиражирането на картите Ви представяме мостра за одобрение. Когато става дума за офсетов печат – представяме графичен файл с точните цветове. Ако Ви е възможно, можете да ни предоставите кромалинова проба, към която ние максимално ще доближим реалния тираж.
== May I see a sample for approval before the printing of my cards in order to be sure that my requirements are kept? ==
Yes. If your order is implemented by thermal printing – compulsory before the duplication of cards you submit you a sample for approval. When we are talking about offset printing – we submit a graphical file with the exact colors. If it is possible for you you can submit us a cromalin sample at which we will approach the real circulation as much as possible.
== Какво става ако не ми хареса мострата или е допусната някаква грешка? ==
Няма никакъв проблем. Ако е допусната грешка или предоставената мостра не Ви удовлетворява, се правят необходимите корекции (промяна на щрифтове, текстове, фирмени знаци, цветови нюанси и други подобни). Едва след одобрението на коригираната мостра ще пристъпим към отпечатването на тиража.
== What happens if I do not like the sample or any mistake is allowed? ==
There is no problem. If any mistake is allowed or the granted sample is not satisfactory for you the needed corrections are made (change of fonts, texts, company logos, color shades and other similar). Only after the approval of the corrected sample we will proceed to printing of circulation.
== Как ще получа своята поръчка? ==
Вашата поръчка може да бъде получена в нашия офис, който се намира на улица Доло 30, кв. Требич, София, или изпратена с куриер, като транспорта е за сметка на получателя. В рамките на страната работим с всички куриерски служби.
== How shall I receive my order? ==
Your order may be received in our office which is located at 30 Dolo Str., Trebich housing estate, Sofia or sent by courier as the transport is for the account of the consignee. Within the country we work with all courrier services.
== Мога ли да получа образци на карти, изработени при Вас? ==
Да. Мостри можете да получите в нашия офис на улица Доло 30, кв. Требич, София , или да Ви ги изпратим на посочен от Вас адрес.
== May I receive samples of cards produced by you? ==
Yes. You can get samples in our office at 30 Dolo Str., Trebich housing estate, Sofia or we may send them to you at address indicated by you.
== Какъв е механизма на заплащане на поръчката? ==
Можете да плащате в брой или чрез банков превод. Обикновено авансовото плащане е 50% от общата сума. Останалата част се заплаща при получаване на цялата поръчка.
== What is the method of payment of the order? ==
You can pay in cash or by bank transfer. Usually the advance payment is 50% of the total amount. The remaining part is paid at receiving of the whole order.

Latest revision as of 07:27, 26 June 2015

Can you produce cards by my own design?

Each order is individual and conformed with the particular needs and requirements of the customer. This compulsory necessitates development of your idea as for the card design as well as for its technical application in the particular system (access control, pre-paid services, customer`s credits etc.) Our main purpose is related to the manufacturing of the card as carrier but not of the whole system for its application. The experience gained by us allows us to be useful for you with different advices for realization of your wishes. We will be pleased to implement the order of cards by your idea and design.

How shall I prepare the design of my cards?

For your facility we have prepared a document with the requirements for offset and thermal printing which may help you at the preparation of files. If you do not find a reply of all of your questions there do not hesitate to contact us – our assistant will be pleased to help you. You can send us your graphic files on CD or by e-mail at address office@maxcard.bg.

Do you perform an express service?

This depends on the quantity of cards which you wish as well as of our current loading. In the best case your cards may be ready within the same day.

Is there minimum quantity for order?

At the thermal printing – no – here you can order even one card. At the offset printing – yes – here the minimum quantity is 1000 cards. More information regarding quantities and their respective … you can get from our configurator.

May I see a sample for approval before the printing of my cards in order to be sure that my requirements are kept?

Yes. If your order is implemented by thermal printing – compulsory before the duplication of cards you submit you a sample for approval. When we are talking about offset printing – we submit a graphical file with the exact colors. If it is possible for you you can submit us a cromalin sample at which we will approach the real circulation as much as possible.

What happens if I do not like the sample or any mistake is allowed?

There is no problem. If any mistake is allowed or the granted sample is not satisfactory for you the needed corrections are made (change of fonts, texts, company logos, color shades and other similar). Only after the approval of the corrected sample we will proceed to printing of circulation.

How shall I receive my order?

Your order may be received in our office which is located at 30 Dolo Str., Trebich housing estate, Sofia or sent by courier as the transport is for the account of the consignee. Within the country we work with all courrier services.

May I receive samples of cards produced by you?

Yes. You can get samples in our office at 30 Dolo Str., Trebich housing estate, Sofia or we may send them to you at address indicated by you.

What is the method of payment of the order?

You can pay in cash or by bank transfer. Usually the advance payment is 50% of the total amount. The remaining part is paid at receiving of the whole order.